Scene life-cycle
In order for us to add the first images to our game, we’ll need to develop a basic
understanding of the Scene life-cycle :
● When a scene starts, the init method is called. This is where you can setup
parameters for your scene or game.
● What comes next is the preloading phaser (preload method). Phaser loads images
and assets into memory before launching the actual game. A great feature of this
framework is that if you load the same scene twice, the assets will be loaded from a
cache, so it will be faster.
● Upon completion of the preloading phase, the create method is executed. This
one-time execution gives you a good place to create the main entities for your game
(player, enemies, etc).
● While the scene is running (not paused), the update method is executed multiple
times per second (the game will aim for 60. On less-performing hardware like low-range
Android, it might be less). This is an important place for us to use as well.
There are more methods in the scene life-cycle (render, shutdown, destroy), but we won’t
be using them in this tutorial.
Using the sprites
Let’s dive right into it and show our first sprite, the game background, on the screen. The
assets for this tutorial can be downloaded here. Place the images in a folder named
“assets”. The following code goes after let gameScene = new Phaser.Scene(‘Game’);